A wrapper for placing boolean primitives into collections, etc.
Classes describe the state and behavior of an Objectively type.
POSIX Threads conditional variables.
Microsecond-precision immutable dates.
Immutable key-value stores.
Encapsulation for error conditions.
Utilities for calculating hash values.
Index paths represent the path to an element or node within a tree or graph structure.
Immutable collections of unique index values.
A minimal JSONPath implementation.
JSON serialization and introspection.
A Log4J-inspired log appender.
Mutable key-value stores.
Mutable collections of unique index values.
A wrapper for placing numeric primitives into collections, etc.
Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy.
Helpers for at-most-once semantics.
An abstraction for discrete units of work, or tasks.
OperationQueues provide a thread of execution for Operations.
Extended POSIX regular expressions.
Resources provide an abstraction for file and stream resources.
StringReaders provide convenient parsing of text based files.
Uniform Resource Locators (RFC 3986).
A protocol-agnostic abstraction for requesting resources via URLs.
A protocol-agnostic abstraction for receiving resources via URLs.
A management context for loading resources via URLs.
Configuration bundle for URLSession.
Use data tasks to send and receive Data in-memory.
Use download tasks to save remote resources to file.
URL session tasks are handles to pending URL operations.
Use upload tasks to send files directly from disk.
Values provide Object encapsulation for C types.
Mutable contiguous storage for C types.