Objectively 1.0.0
Ultra-lightweight object oriented framework for GNU C.
All Classes
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CArrayImmutable arrays
 CBooleA wrapper for placing boolean primitives into collections, etc
 CClassThe runtime representation of a Class
 CClassDefClassDefs are passed to _initialize via an archetype to initialize a Class
 CConditionPOSIX Threads conditional variables
 CDataImmutable data buffers
 CDateMicrosecond-precision immutable dates
 CDateFormatterDate formatting and parsing
 CDictionaryImmutable key-value stores
 CEnumNameThe EnumName type
 CErrorEncapsulation for error conditions
 CIndexPathIndex paths represent the path to an element or node within a tree or graph structure
 CIndexSetImmutable collections of unique index values
 CJSONPathA minimal JSONPath implementation
 CJSONReaderA reader for parsing JSON Data
 CJSONSerializationJSON serialization and introspection
 CJSONWriterA writer for generating JSON Data
 CLockPOSIX Threads locks
 CLogA Log4J-inspired log appender
 CMutableArrayMutable arrays
 CMutableDataMutable data buffers
 CMutableDictionaryMutable key-value stores
 CMutableIndexSetMutable collections of unique index values
 CMutableSetMutable sets
 CMutableStringMutable UTF-8 strings
 CNullThe Null sentinel
 CNumberA wrapper for placing numeric primitives into collections, etc
 CNumberFormatterNumber formatting and parsing
 CObjectObject is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy
 COperationAn abstraction for discrete units of work, or tasks
 COperationQueueOperationQueues provide a thread of execution for Operations
 CRangeA location and length into contiguous collections
 CRegexpExtended POSIX regular expressions
 CResourceResources provide an abstraction for file and stream resources
 CSetImmutable sets
 CStringImmutable UTF-8 strings
 CStringReaderThe StringReader type
 CThreadPOSIX Threads
 CTranscodeCharacter transcoding context for iconv
 CURLUniform Resource Locators (RFC 3986)
 CURLRequestA protocol-agnostic abstraction for requesting resources via URLs
 CURLResponseA protocol-agnostic abstraction for URLSessionTask responses
 CURLSessionA management context for loading resources via URLs
 CURLSessionConfigurationConfiguration bundle for URLSession
 CURLSessionDataTaskUse data tasks to send and receive Data in-memory
 CURLSessionDownloadTaskUse download tasks to save remote resources to file
 CURLSessionTaskURL session tasks are handles to pending URL operations
 CURLSessionUploadTaskUse upload tasks to send files directly from disk
 CValueValues provide Object encapsulation for C types