Objectively 1.0.0
Ultra-lightweight object oriented framework for GNU C.
CClass | The runtime representation of a Class |
CClassDef | ClassDefs are passed to _initialize via an archetype to initialize a Class |
CEnumName | The EnumName type |
CJSONReader | A reader for parsing JSON Data |
CJSONWriter | A writer for generating JSON Data |
▼CObject | Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy |
▼CArray | Immutable arrays |
CMutableArray | Mutable arrays |
CBoole | A wrapper for placing boolean primitives into collections, etc |
▼CData | Immutable data buffers |
CMutableData | Mutable data buffers |
CDate | Microsecond-precision immutable dates |
CDateFormatter | Date formatting and parsing |
▼CDictionary | Immutable key-value stores |
CMutableDictionary | Mutable key-value stores |
CError | Encapsulation for error conditions |
CIndexPath | Index paths represent the path to an element or node within a tree or graph structure |
▼CIndexSet | Immutable collections of unique index values |
CMutableIndexSet | Mutable collections of unique index values |
CJSONPath | A minimal JSONPath implementation |
CJSONSerialization | JSON serialization and introspection |
▼CLock | POSIX Threads locks |
CCondition | POSIX Threads conditional variables |
CLog | A Log4J-inspired log appender |
CNull | The Null sentinel |
CNumber | A wrapper for placing numeric primitives into collections, etc |
CNumberFormatter | Number formatting and parsing |
COperation | An abstraction for discrete units of work, or tasks |
COperationQueue | OperationQueues provide a thread of execution for Operations |
CRegexp | Extended POSIX regular expressions |
CResource | Resources provide an abstraction for file and stream resources |
▼CSet | Immutable sets |
CMutableSet | Mutable sets |
▼CString | Immutable UTF-8 strings |
CMutableString | Mutable UTF-8 strings |
CStringReader | The StringReader type |
CThread | POSIX Threads |
CURL | Uniform Resource Locators (RFC 3986) |
CURLRequest | A protocol-agnostic abstraction for requesting resources via URLs |
CURLResponse | A protocol-agnostic abstraction for URLSessionTask responses |
CURLSession | A management context for loading resources via URLs |
CURLSessionConfiguration | Configuration bundle for URLSession |
▼CURLSessionTask | URL session tasks are handles to pending URL operations |
CURLSessionDataTask | Use data tasks to send and receive Data in-memory |
CURLSessionDownloadTask | Use download tasks to save remote resources to file |
CURLSessionUploadTask | Use upload tasks to send files directly from disk |
CValue | Values provide Object encapsulation for C types |
CVector | Vectors |
CRange | A location and length into contiguous collections |
CTranscode | Character transcoding context for iconv |