4/9/2006 Quetoo 0.3.3 & Trac
Quetoo is a Quake2-compatible game engine with focus on security, stability, and speed. Quetoo is up to 48% faster than stock Quake2. In order to accomodate bug reports, enhancement requests, and contributions, I've setup a Trac installation for the majority of my Free software. Visit it here.
8/2/2005 Salsa 0.2
A new version of Salsa is available for download. Alsa dmix support and buffering/timing improvements in this release. Feedback welcome. Enjoy.
5/23/2005 Pymp 0.9, Salsa 0.1 released
Prompted by a few recent emails containing both praise and feature requests, I put in a few hours on Pymp this weekend and cranked out several nice changes. Visit here to download Pymp 0.9. Salsa, a small package for forwarding PCM sound data over TCP networks, has been released. Use it to hear one computer's sound output on another. Read about it here.
1/17/2005 Bpm 1.0 released
A new version of my console-based beat analysis tool is available for download. Version 1.0 uses vorbisfile, sndfile, and LAME to decode audio streams, and builds as a shared library so that other programs may use its functionality. Lots of improvements over the initial offering. Catch it here.
12/15/2004 Long time, no update
Since I last touched base with this front page, Pkgsync has reached version 1.0 and beyond, I've released a Gtk2 interface to MPlayer called Pymp, and uploaded a video from my last visit to the racetrack. No new livesets, but I hope to put something together this winter.