7/6/2004 Nice weekend, stupid movie
The 4th was great. I missed Oakenfold on Saturday night, but I'm not too upset about it. I heard it was even more of a crowded meat market than it was last weekend. Our friend Josh threw an awesome party in Dartmouth, complete with two live bands and town-class fireworks right in his backyard. Sick. I've also uploaded a bunch of new fishie pics, and a movie of fag and I rocking out to Luke Chable's remix of A..Matsumoto & DJ Yoshi's Dreamer. Pretty gay.
6/27/2004 Sasha @ Avalon, Pkgsync documentation
Alongside a new release of the program (v0.3), I've put together some docs for pkgsync.

So Sasha kicked my ass all over the place Friday. He dropped his remix of Lo-Step's Burma towards the beginning of the set, and closed with a double encore that ended with Matthew Dekay Band's Higher Thoughts. I think I scared the girl dancing next to me when I flipped out and yelled at her "OMG I LOVE THIS RECORD, I PLAY THIS ALL THE TIME!!" No, she smiled.. Absolutely awesome - oh, such a good night.
6/20/2004 Two new livesets
There are two new mixes for download on the choons page. Both are worth listening to, altho the latest, 6/17/04, is technically a little better, and carries a lot of what I've been feeling like lately. Keep your ears opened for Lo-Step's Burma and Jame's Talk's Eggs Are Cute. Both have been moving me quite a bit lately. Mixes are in Ogg Vorbis format, so you'll need a cool player like Alsaplayer or Winamp.
4/24/2004 Ports available via httpup
My CRUX Linux ports are now accessible via httpup. A .httpup file for my repository is available from the etc page. This should make installing and upgrading my ports much easier. There are also several new ports, including Pkgsync, a CRUX package management utility written by yours truly. Enjoy, and thanks to Johannes Winkelmann for httpup.
3/25/2004 Bpm released
A little project I've been working on for a few weeks is finished..well, working. Bpm is a free beat counter for Linux. Requires SoX and mpg123. Tarball and CRUX port available on the etc page.