348 {
ident interface
The interface of the Class.
void removeAllObjectsWithEnumerator(MutableArray *self, ArrayEnumerator enumerator, ident data)
Removes all Objects from this MutableArray, invoking enumerator for each Object.
void removeAllObjects(MutableArray *self)
Removes all Objects from this MutableArray.
MutableDictionary * dictionaryWithCapacity(size_t capacity)
Returns a new MutableDictionary with the given capacity.
void removeObjectForKeyPath(MutableDictionary *self, const char *path)
Removes the Object with the specified key path from this MutableDictionary.
void setObjectForKeyPath(MutableDictionary *self, const ident obj, const char *path)
Sets a pair in this MutableDictionary.
void setObjectsForKeys(MutableDictionary *self,...)
Sets pairs in this MutableDictionary from the NULL-terminated list.
void removeObjectForKey(MutableDictionary *self, const ident key)
Removes the Object with the specified key from this MutableDictionary.
MutableDictionary * init(MutableDictionary *self)
Initializes this MutableDictionary.
void setObjectsForKeyPaths(MutableDictionary *self,...)
Sets pairs in this MutableDictionary from the NULL-terminated list.