33typedef struct MutableStringInterface MutableStringInterface;
64struct MutableStringInterface {
69 StringInterface stringInterface;
static MutableString * string(void)
static void replaceOccurrencesOfStringInRange(MutableString *self, const String *string, const Range range, const String *replacement)
static void appendFormat(MutableString *self, const char *fmt,...)
static void replaceStringInRange(MutableString *self, const Range range, const String *string)
static void deleteCharactersInRange(MutableString *self, const Range range)
static void replaceCharactersInRange(MutableString *self, const Range range, const char *chars)
static void replaceOccurrencesOfCharactersInRange(MutableString *self, const char *chars, const Range range, const char *replacement)
static void appendVaList(MutableString *self, const char *fmt, va_list args)
static void trim(MutableString *self)
static void replaceOccurrencesOfCharacters(MutableString *self, const char *chars, const char *replacement)
static void insertCharactersAtIndex(MutableString *self, const char *chars, size_t index)
static void replaceOccurrencesOfString(MutableString *self, const String *string, const String *replacement)
static void insertStringAtIndex(MutableString *self, const String *string, size_t index)
static void appendString(MutableString *self, const String *string)
static void appendCharacters(MutableString *self, const char *chars)
The runtime representation of a Class.
String string
The superclass.
Class * _MutableString(void)
The MutableString archetype.
MutableStringInterface * interface
The interface.
A location and length into contiguous collections.
OBJECTIVELY_EXPORT MutableString * mstr(const char *fmt,...)
A convenience function for instantiating MutableStrings.