30#define _Class _URLResponse
43 if (this->httpHeaders) {
64#pragma mark - URLResponse
93#pragma mark - Class lifecycle
117 .name =
120 .interfaceOffset = offsetof(
URLResponse, interface),
121 .interfaceSize =
ident release(ident obj)
Atomically decrement the given Object's reference count. If the resulting reference count is 0,...
Class * _initialize(const ClassDef *def)
Initializes the given Class.
#define alloc(type)
Allocate and initialize and instance of type.
#define super(type, obj, method,...)
Mutable key-value stores.
static void initialize(Class *clazz)
A protocol-agnostic abstraction for receiving resources via URLs.
#define do_once(once, block)
Executes the given block at most one time.
ClassDefs are passed to _initialize via an archetype to initialize a Class.
The runtime representation of a Class.
ident interface
The interface of the Class.
Condition * init(Condition *self)
Initializes this Condition.
Immutable key-value stores.
Mutable key-value stores.
void setObjectForKey(MutableDictionary *self, const ident obj, const ident key)
Sets a pair in this MutableDictionary.
Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy.
Class * _Object(void)
The Object archetype.
Object * copy(const Object *self)
Creates a shallow copy of this Object.
void dealloc(Object *self)
Frees all resources held by this Object.
OBJECTIVELY_EXPORT String * str(const char *fmt,...)
A convenience function for instantiating Strings.
void setValueForHTTPHeaderField(URLREquest *self, const char *value, const char *field)
A protocol-agnostic abstraction for URLSessionTask responses.
Class * _URLResponse(void)
The URLResponse archetype.
Dictionary * httpHeaders
The HTTP response headers.
int httpStatusCode
The HTTP response status code.