37typedef struct URLSessionInterface URLSessionInterface;
109struct URLSessionInterface {
114 ObjectInterface objectInterface;
POSIX Threads conditional variables.
Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy.
void * ident
The identity type, similar to Objective-C id.
A protocol-agnostic abstraction for requesting resources via URLs.
A protocol-agnostic abstraction for receiving resources via URLs.
static void invalidateAndCancel(URLSession *self)
Configuration bundle for URLSession.
Use data tasks to send and receive Data in-memory.
Use download tasks to save remote resources to file.
URL session tasks are handles to pending URL operations.
void(* URLSessionTaskCompletion)(URLSessionTask *task, _Bool success)
A function pointer for URLSessionTask completion.
Use upload tasks to send files directly from disk.
The runtime representation of a Class.
POSIX Threads conditional variables.
Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy.
Uniform Resource Locators (RFC 3986).
A protocol-agnostic abstraction for requesting resources via URLs.
Configuration bundle for URLSession.
Use data tasks to send and receive Data in-memory.
Use download tasks to save remote resources to file.
A management context for loading resources via URLs.
Object object
The superclass.
Lock * lock
The Lock guarding access to tasks.
Condition * condition
The condition.
URLSessionConfiguration * configuration
The session configuration.
Class * _URLSession(void)
The URLSession archetype.
Thread * thread
The backing Thread.
MutableArray * tasks
The URLSessionTasks.
URLSessionInterface * interface
The interface.
ident handle
The libcurl handle.
Use upload tasks to send files directly from disk.