195#define MakeColor(r, g, b, a) (SDL_Color) { (r), (g), (b), (a) }
OBJECTIVELYMVC_EXPORT const struct Colors Colors
ObjectivelyMVC base types.
SDL_Color MediumSlateBlue
OBJECTIVELYMVC_EXPORT void MVC_RGBToHSV(const SDL_Color *color, double *hue, double *saturation, double *value)
Converts the given RGB color to HSV components.
OBJECTIVELYMVC_EXPORT SDL_Color MVC_HexToRGBA(const char *hexString)
Converts the given hexadecimal color string to an RGBA color.
OBJECTIVELYMVC_EXPORT char * MVC_RGBAToHex(const SDL_Color *color)
SDL_Color MediumTurquoise
SDL_Color MediumSpringGreen
SDL_Color MediumVioletRed
SDL_Color LightGoldenRodYellow
OBJECTIVELYMVC_EXPORT SDL_Color MVC_ColorForName(const char *name)
SDL_Color MediumAquaMarine
OBJECTIVELYMVC_EXPORT char * MVC_RGBToHex(const SDL_Color *color)
OBJECTIVELYMVC_EXPORT SDL_Color MVC_HSVToRGB(double hue, double saturation, double value)
Converts the given HSV components to an RGB color.