ObjectivelyMVC 0.1.0
Object oriented MVC framework for OpenGL, SDL2 and GNU C

Controls capture input events and dispatch Actions. More...


struct  Action
 Actions bind event-driven behavior to Controls. More...
struct  Button
 Buttons are Controls that respond to click events. More...
struct  Checkbox
 Checkboxes are toggle Controls that respond to click events. More...
struct  CollectionView
 CollectionViews display items in a grid. More...
struct  Control
 Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions. More...
struct  HSVColorPicker
 The HSVColorPicker type. More...
struct  HueColorPicker
 The HueColorPicker type. More...
struct  Option
 Select Options. More...
struct  Panel
 Draggable and resizable container Views. More...
struct  RGBColorPicker
 RGB(A) color picker. More...
struct  ScrollView
 ScrollViews allow users to pan their internal contents. More...
struct  Select
 A Control allowing users to select one or more Options. More...
struct  Slider
 A Control allowing users to drag a handle to select a numeric value. More...
struct  TableView
 TableViews provide sortable, tabular presentations of data. More...
struct  TextView
 A Control for presenting and capturing user-provied Text. More...