ObjectivelyMVC 0.1.0
Object oriented MVC framework for OpenGL, SDL2 and GNU C
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CCollectionViewDataSourceThe CollectionView data source protocol
 CCollectionViewDelegateThe CollectionView delegate protocol
 CColorsW3C Color constants
 CHSVColorPickerDelegateThe HSVColorPicker delegate protocol
 CHueColorPickerDelegateThe HueColorPicker delegate protocol
 CInletInlets enable inbound data binding of View attributes through JSON
 CMatchA context for View matching
 CNotificationThe Notification type
 CActionActions bind event-driven behavior to Controls
 CFontTrueType fonts
 CImageImage loading
 CRendererThe Renderer is responsible for rasterizing the View hierarchy of a WindowController
 CSelectorSelectors are comprised of one or more SelectorSequences
 CSelectorSequenceSelectorSequences are comprised of one or more SimpleSelectors
 CSimpleSelectorThe SimpleSelector type
 CSoundSound loading and playback
 CSoundStageThe SoundStage type
 CStyleThe Style type
 CStylesheetStylesheets are comprised of Selectors and Styles
 CTabViewItemTabViewItems embed Views in a TabView
 CTableColumnColumns provide alignment, spacing and sorting hints for TableView instances
 CThemeThe Theme type
 CViewViews are the fundamental building blocks of ObjectivelyMVC user interfaces
 CBoxA container View with a positioned Label
 CCollectionItemViewCollectionViewItems are a visual representation of an item within a CollectionView
 CControlControls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions
 CButtonButtons are Controls that respond to click events
 CCheckboxCheckboxes are toggle Controls that respond to click events
 CCollectionViewCollectionViews display items in a grid
 CHSVColorPickerThe HSVColorPicker type
 CHueColorPickerThe HueColorPicker type
 CPanelDraggable and resizable container Views
 CRGBColorPickerRGB(A) color picker
 CSelectA Control allowing users to select one or more Options
 CSliderA Control allowing users to drag a handle to select a numeric value
 CTableViewTableViews provide sortable, tabular presentations of data
 CTextViewA Control for presenting and capturing user-provied Text
 CImageViewImageViews render an Image in the context of a View hierarchy
 CLabelLabels provide a configurable container for Text
 COptionSelect Options
 CPageViewPageViews manage their subviews as pages in a book
 CProgressBarThe ProgressBar type
 CScrollViewScrollViews allow users to pan their internal contents
 CStackViewStackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews
 CInputAn Input stacks a Label with a Control
 CTableRowViewRows for TableViews
 CTableHeaderViewThe header row is a specialized TableRow depicting the TableColumn handles
 CTabViewTabViews allow for the display of multiple pages of information within a single view
 CTableCellViewEach row in a TableView is comprised of TableCellViews
 CTableHeaderCellViewHeader cells provide clickable sort handles for TableView instances
 CTextText rendered with TrueType fonts
 CViewControllerA ViewController manages a View and its descendants
 CDebugViewControllerThe DebugViewController type
 CNavigationViewControllerNavigation controllers arrange their child controllers as a stack to facilitate navigation between them
 CTabViewControllerTabViewControllers arrange and manage their child ViewControllers in a tab view interface
 CWindowControllerA WindowController manages a ViewController and its descendants within an SDL_Window
 COutletOutlets enable outbound data binding of Views through JSON
 CPageViewDelegateThe PageView delegate protocol
 CProgressBarDelegateThe ProgressBar delegate protocol
 CRGBColorPickerDelegateThe RGBColorPicker delegate protocol
 CScrollViewDelegateThe ScrollView delegate protocol
 CSDL_SizeThe SDL_Size type
 CSelectDelegateThe Select delegate protocol
 CSelectionA context for View selection
 CSliderDelegateThe Slider delegate protocol
 CTableViewDataSourceThe TableView data source protocol
 CTableViewDelegateThe TableView delegate protocol
 CTabViewDelegateThe TabViewDelegate
 CTextViewDelegateThe TextView delegate protocol
 CViewPaddingSpacing applied to the inside of a View's frame