ObjectivelyMVC 0.1.0
Object oriented MVC framework for OpenGL, SDL2 and GNU C
CCollectionViewDataSource | The CollectionView data source protocol |
CCollectionViewDelegate | The CollectionView delegate protocol |
CColors | W3C Color constants |
CHSVColorPickerDelegate | The HSVColorPicker delegate protocol |
CHueColorPickerDelegate | The HueColorPicker delegate protocol |
CInlet | Inlets enable inbound data binding of View attributes through JSON |
CMatch | A context for View matching |
CNotification | The Notification type |
▼CObject | |
CAction | Actions bind event-driven behavior to Controls |
CFont | TrueType fonts |
CImage | Image loading |
CRenderer | The Renderer is responsible for rasterizing the View hierarchy of a WindowController |
CSelector | Selectors are comprised of one or more SelectorSequences |
CSelectorSequence | SelectorSequences are comprised of one or more SimpleSelectors |
CSimpleSelector | The SimpleSelector type |
CSound | Sound loading and playback |
CSoundStage | The SoundStage type |
CStyle | The Style type |
CStylesheet | Stylesheets are comprised of Selectors and Styles |
CTabViewItem | TabViewItems embed Views in a TabView |
CTableColumn | Columns provide alignment, spacing and sorting hints for TableView instances |
CTheme | The Theme type |
▼CView | Views are the fundamental building blocks of ObjectivelyMVC user interfaces |
CBox | A container View with a positioned Label |
CCollectionItemView | CollectionViewItems are a visual representation of an item within a CollectionView |
▼CControl | Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions |
CButton | Buttons are Controls that respond to click events |
CCheckbox | Checkboxes are toggle Controls that respond to click events |
CCollectionView | CollectionViews display items in a grid |
CHSVColorPicker | The HSVColorPicker type |
CHueColorPicker | The HueColorPicker type |
CPanel | Draggable and resizable container Views |
CRGBColorPicker | RGB(A) color picker |
CSelect | A Control allowing users to select one or more Options |
CSlider | A Control allowing users to drag a handle to select a numeric value |
CTableView | TableViews provide sortable, tabular presentations of data |
CTextView | A Control for presenting and capturing user-provied Text |
CImageView | ImageViews render an Image in the context of a View hierarchy |
CLabel | Labels provide a configurable container for Text |
COption | Select Options |
CPageView | PageViews manage their subviews as pages in a book |
CProgressBar | The ProgressBar type |
CScrollView | ScrollViews allow users to pan their internal contents |
▼CStackView | StackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews |
CInput | An Input stacks a Label with a Control |
▼CTableRowView | Rows for TableViews |
CTableHeaderView | The header row is a specialized TableRow depicting the TableColumn handles |
CTabView | TabViews allow for the display of multiple pages of information within a single view |
▼CTableCellView | Each row in a TableView is comprised of TableCellViews |
CTableHeaderCellView | Header cells provide clickable sort handles for TableView instances |
CText | Text rendered with TrueType fonts |
▼CViewController | A ViewController manages a View and its descendants |
CDebugViewController | The DebugViewController type |
CNavigationViewController | Navigation controllers arrange their child controllers as a stack to facilitate navigation between them |
CTabViewController | TabViewControllers arrange and manage their child ViewControllers in a tab view interface |
CWindowController | A WindowController manages a ViewController and its descendants within an SDL_Window |
COutlet | Outlets enable outbound data binding of Views through JSON |
CPageViewDelegate | The PageView delegate protocol |
CProgressBarDelegate | The ProgressBar delegate protocol |
CRGBColorPickerDelegate | The RGBColorPicker delegate protocol |
CScrollViewDelegate | The ScrollView delegate protocol |
CSDL_Size | The SDL_Size type |
CSelectDelegate | The Select delegate protocol |
CSelection | A context for View selection |
CSliderDelegate | The Slider delegate protocol |
CTableViewDataSource | The TableView data source protocol |
CTableViewDelegate | The TableView delegate protocol |
CTabViewDelegate | The TabViewDelegate |
CTextViewDelegate | The TextView delegate protocol |
CViewPadding | Spacing applied to the inside of a View's frame |