176 {
ident interface
The interface of the Class.
Order compareTo(const Date *self, const Date *other)
Compares this Date to another.
short shortValue(const Number *self)
float floatValue(const Number *self)
Number * numberWithValue(double value)
Returns a new Number with the given value.
Number * initWithValue(Number *self, double value)
Initializes this Number with the specified value.
_Bool boolValue(const Number *self)
char charValue(const Number *self)
long longValue(const Number *self)
double doubleValue(const Number *self)
int intValue(const Number *self)
String * description(const Object *self)
_Bool isEqual(const Object *self, const Object *other)
Tests equality of the other Object.
int hash(const Object *self)