34typedef struct NumberInterface NumberInterface;
63struct NumberInterface {
68 ObjectInterface objectInterface;
146 Number *(*numberWithValue)(
double value);
static Order compareTo(const Date *self, const Date *other)
static char charValue(const Number *self)
static double doubleValue(const Number *self)
static short shortValue(const Number *self)
static long longValue(const Number *self)
static float floatValue(const Number *self)
static int intValue(const Number *self)
static _Bool boolValue(const Number *self)
Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy.
Comparison constants.
The runtime representation of a Class.
A wrapper for placing numeric primitives into collections, etc.
NumberInterface * interface
The interface.
double value
The backing value.
Class * _Number(void)
The Number archetype.
Object object
The superclass.
Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy.