613 {
MutableArray * mutableCopy(const Array *self)
Array * initWithVaList(Array *self, va_list args)
Initializes this Array to contain the Objects in the NULL-terminated va_list.
ident interface
The interface of the Class.
Data * initWithContentsOfFile(Data *self, const char *path)
Initializes this Data with the contents of the file at path.
Data * initWithMemory(Data *self, ident mem, size_t length)
Initializes this Data, taking ownership of the specified memory.
_Bool writeToFile(const Data *self, const char *path)
Writes this Data to path.
Data * initWithBytes(Data *self, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t length)
Initializes this Data by copying length of bytes.
MutableData * initWithData(MutableData *self, const Data *data)
Initializes this Data with the contents of data.
String * description(const Object *self)
_Bool isEqual(const Object *self, const Object *other)
Tests equality of the other Object.
int hash(const Object *self)
String * uppercaseString(const String *self)
_Bool writeToFile(const String *self, const char *path, StringEncoding encoding)
Writes this String to path.
String * stringWithMemory(const ident mem, size_t length)
Returns a new String with the given buffer.
Range rangeOfString(const String *self, const String *string, const Range range)
Finds and returns the first occurrence of string in this String.
String * lowercaseString(const String *self)
String * initWithCharacters(String *self, const char *chars)
Initializes this String by copying chars.
String * stringWithBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t length, StringEncoding encoding)
Returns a new String by decoding length of bytes to UTF-8.
String * trimmedString(const String *self)
Creates a copy of this String with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
String * stringWithData(const Data *data, StringEncoding encoding)
Returns a new String with the the given Data.
String * stringWithFormat(const char *fmt)
Returns a new String with the given format string.
Data * getData(const String *self, StringEncoding encoding)
Returns a Data with this String's contents in the given encoding.
_Bool hasSuffix(const String *self, const String *suffix)
Checks this String for the given suffix.
String * initWithContentsOfFile(String *self, const char *path, StringEncoding encoding)
Initializes this String with the contents of the FILE at path.
MutableString * mutableCopy(const String *self)
String * stringWithContentsOfFile(const char *path, StringEncoding encoding)
Returns a new String with the contents of the FILE at path.
Array * componentsSeparatedByString(const String *self, const String *string)
Returns the components of this String that were separated by string.
_Bool hasPrefix(const String *self, const String *prefix)
Checks this String for the given prefix.