38typedef struct PanelInterface PanelInterface;
117struct PanelInterface {
122 ControlInterface controlInterface;
140 Panel *(*initWithFrame)(
Panel *self,
const SDL_Rect *frame);
Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions.
ImageViews render an Image in the context of a View hierarchy.
static SDL_Size contentSize(const Panel *self)
StackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews.
Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions.
ImageViews render an Image in the context of a View hierarchy.
Draggable and resizable container Views.
_Bool isResizing
True if the user is resizing this Panel.
SDL_Size minSize
The minimum size to which this Panel's frame can be resized.
SDL_Size maxSize
The maximum size to which this Panel's frame can be resized.
_Bool isResizable
If true, this Panel may be resized by the user.
Control control
The superclass.
_Bool isDraggable
If true, this Panel may be repositioned by the user.
PanelInterface * interface
The interface.
_Bool isDragging
True if the user is repositioning this Panel.
StackView * accessoryView
The optional accessories container.
Class * _Panel(void)
The Panel archetype.
StackView * contentView
The internal container.
StackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews.