38typedef struct SelectInterface SelectInterface;
100struct SelectInterface {
105 ControlInterface controlInterface;
125 Select *(*initWithFrame)(
Select *self,
const SDL_Rect *frame);
134 Option *(*optionWithValue)(
const Select *self, ident value);
196 Array *(*selectedOptions)(
const Select *self);
Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions.
static void removeOption(Select *self, Option *option)
static void selectOption(Select *self, Option *option)
static void selectOptionWithValue(Select *self, ident value)
static void removeOptionWithValue(Select *self, ident value)
static void addOption(Select *self, const char *title, ident value)
static void removeAllOptions(Select *self)
StackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews.
Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions.
The Select delegate protocol.
ident self
The delegate self-reference.
void(* didSelectOption)(Select *select, Option *option)
Called when a selection is made.
A Control allowing users to select one or more Options.
MutableArray * options
The Options.
SelectInterface * interface
The interface.
SelectDelegate delegate
The SelectDelegate.
Comparator comparator
An optional Comparator to sort Options.
StackView * stackView
The StackView for rendering the Options.
Class * _Select(void)
The Select archetype.
Control control
The superclass.
StackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews.