26#include <Objectively/IndexSet.h>
27#include <Objectively/MutableArray.h>
50typedef struct TableViewInterface TableViewInterface;
179struct TableViewInterface {
184 ControlInterface controlInterface;
308 IndexSet *(*selectedRowIndexes)(
const TableView *self);
static void selectAll(CollectionView *self)
static SDL_Size naturalSize(const CollectionView *self)
static void deselectAll(CollectionView *self)
static void reloadData(CollectionView *self)
Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions.
StackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews.
Each row in a TableView is comprised of TableCellViews.
static void setSortColumn(TableView *self, TableColumn *column)
static void selectRowAtIndex(TableView *self, size_t index)
static void deselectRowsAtIndexes(TableView *self, const IndexSet *indexes)
static void selectRowsAtIndexes(TableView *self, const IndexSet *indexes)
static IndexSet * selectedRowIndexes(const TableView *self)
static void addColumnWithIdentifier(TableView *self, const char *identifier)
static void addColumn(TableView *self, TableColumn *column)
static ssize_t rowAtPoint(const TableView *self, const SDL_Point *point)
static void removeColumn(TableView *self, TableColumn *column)
static void deselectRowAtIndex(TableView *self, size_t index)
Controls are Views which capture events and dispatch Actions.
StackViews are containers that manage the arrangement of their subviews.
Each row in a TableView is comprised of TableCellViews.
Columns provide alignment, spacing and sorting hints for TableView instances.
The TableView data source protocol.
ident self
The data source self-reference.
ident(* valueForColumnAndRow)(const TableView *tableView, const TableColumn *column, size_t row)
Called by the TableView for the associated value of a cell.
size_t(* numberOfRows)(const TableView *tableView)
The TableView delegate protocol.
void(* didSelectRowsAtIndexes)(TableView *tableView, const IndexSet *selectedRowIndexes)
Called by the TableView when the row selection changes.
void(* didSetSortColumn)(TableView *tableView)
Called by the TableView when the sort column or order changes.
ident self
The delegate self-reference.
TableViews provide sortable, tabular presentations of data.
Control control
The superclass.
ScrollView * scrollView
The scroll view.
TableViewInterface * interface
The interface.
Class * _TableView(void)
The TableView archetype.
TableViewDelegate delegate
The delegate.
MutableArray * columns
The column definitions.
TableColumn * sortColumn
The column to sort by.
TableViewDataSource dataSource
The data source.
StackView * contentView
The content View.
TableHeaderView * headerView
The header.
MutableArray * rows
The rows.