Objectively 1.0.0
Ultra-lightweight object oriented framework for GNU C.
Documentation | |
▼ Sources | |
▼ Objectively | |
Array.c | |
Array.h | Immutable arrays |
Boole.c | |
Boole.h | A wrapper for placing boolean primitives into collections, etc |
Class.c | |
Class.h | Classes describe the state and behavior of an Objectively type |
Condition.c | |
Condition.h | POSIX Threads conditional variables |
Config.h | |
Data.c | |
Data.h | Immutable data buffers |
Date.c | |
Date.h | Microsecond-precision immutable dates |
DateFormatter.c | |
DateFormatter.h | Date formatting and parsing |
Dictionary.c | |
Dictionary.h | Immutable key-value stores |
Enum.c | |
Enum.h | Named enumerations |
Error.c | |
Error.h | Encapsulation for error conditions |
Hash.c | |
Hash.h | Utilities for calculating hash values |
IndexPath.c | |
IndexPath.h | Index paths represent the path to an element or node within a tree or graph structure |
IndexSet.c | |
IndexSet.h | Immutable collections of unique index values |
JSONPath.c | |
JSONPath.h | A minimal JSONPath implementation |
JSONSerialization.c | |
JSONSerialization.h | JSON serialization and introspection |
Lock.c | |
Lock.h | POSIX Threads locks |
Log.c | |
Log.h | A Log4J-inspired log appender |
MutableArray.c | |
MutableArray.h | Mutable arrays |
MutableData.c | |
MutableData.h | Mutable data buffers |
MutableDictionary.c | |
MutableDictionary.h | Mutable key-value stores |
MutableIndexSet.c | |
MutableIndexSet.h | Mutable collections of unique index values |
MutableSet.c | |
MutableSet.h | Mutable sets |
MutableString.c | |
MutableString.h | Mutable UTF-8 strings |
Null.c | |
Null.h | The Null sentinel |
Number.c | |
Number.h | A wrapper for placing numeric primitives into collections, etc |
NumberFormatter.c | |
NumberFormatter.h | Number formatting and parsing |
Object.c | |
Object.h | Object is the root Class of The Objectively Class hierarchy |
Once.h | Helpers for at-most-once semantics |
Operation.c | |
Operation.h | An abstraction for discrete units of work, or tasks |
OperationQueue.c | |
OperationQueue.h | OperationQueues provide a thread of execution for Operations |
Regexp.c | |
Regexp.h | Extended POSIX regular expressions |
Resource.c | |
Resource.h | Resources provide an abstraction for file and stream resources |
Set.c | |
Set.h | Immutable sets |
String.c | |
String.h | Immutable UTF-8 strings |
StringReader.c | |
StringReader.h | StringReaders provide convenient parsing of text based files |
Thread.c | |
Thread.h | POSIX Threads |
Types.h | Objectively base types |
URL.c | |
URL.h | Uniform Resource Locators (RFC 3986) |
URLRequest.c | |
URLRequest.h | A protocol-agnostic abstraction for requesting resources via URLs |
URLResponse.c | |
URLResponse.h | A protocol-agnostic abstraction for receiving resources via URLs |
URLSession.c | |
URLSession.h | A management context for loading resources via URLs |
URLSessionConfiguration.c | |
URLSessionConfiguration.h | Configuration bundle for URLSession |
URLSessionDataTask.c | |
URLSessionDataTask.h | Use data tasks to send and receive Data in-memory |
URLSessionDownloadTask.c | |
URLSessionDownloadTask.h | Use download tasks to save remote resources to file |
URLSessionTask.c | |
URLSessionTask.h | URL session tasks are handles to pending URL operations |
URLSessionUploadTask.c | |
URLSessionUploadTask.h | Use upload tasks to send files directly from disk |
Value.c | |
Value.h | Values provide Object encapsulation for C types |
Vector.c | |
Vector.h | Mutable contiguous storage for C types |
Objectively.h | Objectively: Ultra-lightweight object oriented framework for GNU C |